"Back to where it all started for her. Where she got lost, and then found herself again through art."
Videos Worth Stealing Ideas From
A collection of videos that I find either inspiring, motivational or something I learned from.
Andy Warhol Documentary
Part 1
Part 2
The Conplete Picture
Talking Art x Marina Abramovic
Best Interview with Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak
Best Interview with Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak http://www.thephpagency.com PHP founder Patrick Bet-David hosts a 60-minute interview with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak at the PHP Bowl -- the annual sales conference for People Helping People held this past December in Las Vegas.
Takashi Murakami Talks Vans Collaboration, Kanye, Pharrell & His Creative Process
Source: http://youtu.be/V3-Z1ITZcjI
Takashi Murajami on Jellyfish Eyes, Nuclear Monsters and Artistic Influences
Source: http://youtu.be/sJEmGM1JS7k